Humanismo Digital

06 October 2022

Technology only makes sense when people use it to evolve

Technology is closely linked to the evolution of human beings, and only makes sense when people use it to achieve a certain goal.

They are the two sides of the same coin, since the technological factor is only useful when it is adopted by people and makes it possible to achieve a certain goal, and helping us, in turn, to evolve.

It is about humanising technology, transforming how we relate to one another and to our environment, changing and evolving.

The technification of humanity in and of itself makes no sense; rather, it takes on value when technology is used to positively impact our condition as human beings and the environment we live in.

How do we humanise technology?

In our current stage of development, it is very important to put people at the centre. We have to rescue, in any type of activity, the values that make us human, and imbue ourselves in the doctrines that drove Humanism in the late 14th century in response to the dark epoch that was the Middle Ages.

Today, more than ever, in the midst of the climate crisis, it is important to regain a respect for the environment and for our humanity, in a geopolitical context of growing conflicts, inequality and, in some cases, loss of rights.

At SEIDOR, we are convinced that technology provides a fantastic opportunity to:

  • Help organisations and citizens to make a better world.
  • Facilitate and improve interpersonal relationships.
  • Help businesses by researching, sharing and learning based on the human aspect of things.

Main challenges facing organisations

Organisations have to understand that customers, partners, talent and any other type of stakeholder are, above all, human beings, and must thus be treated as such.

Years ago, the business world realised that personal and work life should be separated and not influence one another. These days, that's impossible. New technologies have paved the way for the transformation of work models, where flexibility is a requirement, as is balancing different roles, such as worker, parent, friend or consumer, among others.

Customers and partners are increasingly demanding, and their relationship with brands is strongly influenced by the values they share with them. At SEIDOR, we are convinced that if we want to remain appealing to customers and talent, we need to be clear as to what our values are.


We have to reinvent ourselves every day. In this changing and accelerated context, to remain competitive, organisations must constantly rethink the way they do things.

The constant technological advances and disruptions have brought about a radical change in habits. To be competitive, constant adaptation is essential.

Change and evolution have always existed and companies have had to adapt. It is part of our human condition. Today, everything happens faster, and that's the big difference. Managing it depends, to a large extent, on understanding that change is constant and necessary. On not rejecting it.

It is undoubtedly difficult to manage the balance between innovating, running and maintaining a business. But that difficulty can't be the reason for not doing it.

The digital transformation of companies

Talent shortage is one of the main problems in the process of digitising companies; hence the importance of having reliable technology vendors as partners to carry out this type of process.

Moreover, and especially in the case of SMEs, one major challenge has been defining a road map for their digital transformation, prioritising what to do and having the resources to do it.

The horizon is giving us a glimpse into what non-human intelligence might be like. Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are advancing at breakneck speed, with applications that are having a hugely positive impact on people in areas such as health, education, agricultural production and more.

Against this backdrop, the big question is whether we will be able to live with new forms of intelligence without forsaking our own. We will see shortly.

Will we be able to live with new forms of intelligence without forsaking our own?

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Key cybersecurity services for your company

The companies of this millennium, regardless of their size, age or sector, must manage their business by dealing with risks of all types. In particular, they have to control the technological risks much more, since as the company grows, these risks could have a very large impact that in turn can generate associated costs.

ruben mora
Rubén Mora