January 19, 2022
SAP Announces 2020 Recipients of Regional Awards for Partner Excellence.
SAP Announces 2020 Recipients of Regional Awards for Partner Excellence. The awards recognize top partners for their excellence in overall sales, innovation, technology and services, as well as in solution-specific areas.
SEIDOR MENA, a leading SAP Solutions provider across Middle East & North Africa, is named winner of the SAP Best Partner in Delivery Excellence.
During SAP PKOM 2020 in Dubai, SEIDOR receives Best S/4HANA Partner in Delivery Excellence. A steering committee composed of regional and global SAP representatives determined the winning partners in each category per region according to numerous criteria, such as sales achievement and performance.
"We are proud that SEIDOR MENA team remains focused to ensure quality projects delivery and consistent alignment with strategic goals of our customers" mentioned Ignacio Ruiz de Eguilaz, Managing Director of SEIDOR MENA.
"Based on SEIDOR's solid experience and relationship with SAP, our consultants have a wide experience with SAP Solutions executed numerous intelligent transformation projects to our customers" has mentioned Ignacio Ruiz