

As an influential stakeholder in the business community, SEIDOR carries out its activities taking into account essential aspects of life, such as human rights, people's well-being, equal opportunities, the environment, and scrupulous respect for transparency and good business practices


As an influential stakeholder in the business community, SEIDOR carries out its activities taking into account essential aspects of life, such as human rights, people's well-being, equal opportunities, the environment, and scrupulous respect for transparency and good business practices


For years, at SEIDOR we have set Corporate Social Responsibility goals that serve to secure a future for both people and the planet in general. In 2014, SEIDOR took this social responsibility one step further by signing up to the United Nations Global Compact.

The United Nations Global Compact is firmly committed to the 10 principles that should govern business actions around the world to attain the ultimate goals of the United Nations, under the name Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact are grouped into 4 main areas within our document and form the basis of our document: Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Ethical Management.


SEIDOR Statement of Non-financial Information

With this report, SEIDOR complies with the requirements of Law 11/2018 on non-financial information and diversity.


09 April 2024

SEIDOR obtains triple seal for its commitment to the environment

SEIDOR has obtained the triple seal "Calculate, Reduce, and Offset" from the voluntary program of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) of Spain. This is a recognition of the efforts of organizations like SEIDOR, which measure, reduce, and offset their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), contributing to environmental sustainability.

09 February 2024

We reforest the forests of Macastre in Valencia

SEIDOR Valencia leads reforestation in Macastre, promoting sustainability and environmental commitment. An enriching day where employees and families planted trees, strengthening the connection with nature and building a greener future.

20 July 2023

IT Barometer of Spanish Companies 2023

93% of Spanish companies believe that technology is indispensable for promoting their sustainability

bosque seidor

SEIDOR Forest Project

In an initiative that promotes sustainability with our customers, we have established an agreement whereby SEIDOR undertakes to plant a tree for each new contract we sign, thus advancing our carbon footprint offsetting and raising awareness in our sector.


Pact for Sustainable Cybersecurity

SEIDOR's Pact for Sustainable Cybersecurity certification guarantees the protection of data and digital assets, promoting sustainability in an interconnected world.

NET Zero

At SEIDOR we are committed to planting a tree for each new contract we sign with customers, thus advancing our carbon footprint offsetting and raising awareness in our sector.

Global Compact

The commitment of SEIDOR to the 10 Principles of the Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour Standards, Environment and Anti-Corruption is recognised.

Empowering Women's Talent

At SEIDOR we strive to empower and develop female talent, which is why we have joined the Empowering Women's Talent program.

Corporate policy and code of conduct

The standard of conduct that SEIDOR applies to all its corporate activities and the behaviour and actions of each of SEIDOR's associates, employees and executives.

Diversity Leading Company

For SEIDOR, diversity is a core value that drives our corporate culture and allows us to gain unique perspectives, helping us grow as individuals and as a team.