Discover the benefits of technological careers | SEIDOR
Benefícios das carreiras tecnológicas

June 27, 2023

Discover the benefits of technological careers

To have high employability, low unemployment, enjoy above average salaries and excellent working conditions. Technology careers are a great employment opportunity for several reasons. Let's look at some of the most important ones.

Growth perspectives

More than 70% of European companies say that a lack of employees with adequate digital skills is an obstacle to making investments. And this, despite the fact that the number of ICT specialists in the EU will grow by 50.5% from 2012 to 2021, almost 8 times more than the increase (6.3%) in total employment.

Therefore, having the necessary digital skills required by the technology sector is undoubtedly a guarantee of employability. Moreover, it usually comes with salaries that are often above average.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the technology sector is expected to grow by up to 13% between 2020 and 2030, faster than the average growth of all other sectors. The high demand for technology professionals is largely due to the growing importance of information security, collection and storage of big data and cloud computing.

Good wage

Technological careers are usually associated with high-paying jobs due to the high demand to fill vacancies. Software engineers, UX designers, digital marketers and other skilled positions are so needed that many organizations need to pay competitive salaries to hire qualified and talented people.

Moreover, in addition to above-average growth, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the average annual salary for computer and information technology positions in May 2020 was more than double the average annual salary in all other fields.

Unemployment resistance

Turning to Europe, during the last decade, the number of people employed as ICT specialists in the EU has generally resisted the effects of the global financial and economic crisis and the recession observed in many labour markets. As a result, the share of ICT specialists in total employment increased by 1.3 percentage points from 3.2% in 2012 to 4.5% in 2021.

The European Union has as one of its objectives to improve the digital skills of Europeans, as these advanced digital skills are fundamental not only for purely technological functions, but also for areas as diverse as digital marketing or social media.

Moreover, the need for digital skills is only likely to increase. Therefore, it is believed that the more Europeans have solid digital skills, Europe's competitiveness in the digital world will be strengthened, and EU officials claim that this will help achieve a more equal society.

Among EU member states, the highest proportions of ICT specialists with higher education level were recorded in Lithuania, Cyprus, Spain, Ireland and France, where more than four out of five people reached this educational level in 2021. The majority of ICT specialists have attained a higher education level in all EU member states, the exception being Italy (41.3%).

Most admired companies

One of the main motivations for pursuing technological careers is to be part of the economic and social transformation we are experiencing. The technology sector is shaping the future, both personally, professionally and in society.

It is not surprising, therefore, that when looking at the list of the world's most admired companies, the top three are precisely from the technology sector.


In addition, tech companies are usually pioneers when it comes to employee wellbeing.

One of the things that was evident during the pandemic is that they were better prepared to have flexible working hours (and locations), placing importance on getting work done and delivered on time. In fact, there are positions and schedules in the tech industry where you don't need to be in the office at all.

In general, jobs in the tech industry are popular because the sector has always had informal environments. As well as allowing you to dress however you like, tech offices are known for offering a welcoming, relaxed and laid back environment. It's not uncommon to find in tech company offices a few poufs, armchairs, pilates balls or even a ping-pong table. Typically, the mindset in the tech sector is that when employees are happy and comfortable, they are more productive.

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