Key cybersecurity services for your business | SEIDOR

January 23, 2023

Key cybersecurity services for your business

Companies in this millennium, regardless of their size, age or sector, must manage their business in the face of risks of all kinds. In particular, they need to monitor technology risks much more closely, since company growth can have a huge impact which, in turn, can generate associated costs.

How cybersecurity affects businesses

The uncertainties caused by technological risks associated with business can be minimised or even avoided with a well-integrated cybersecurity system.

Cybersecurity for a company offers greater guarantees of business continuity in the face of cyber attacks.

Its main objective is to focus on protecting the critical assets of the company's business areas, providing confidence and stability in the face of the risks associated with the use of technology. A proper cybersecurity strategy allows attacks to be handled normally, limiting their impact and allowing third-party liability.

Why is it essential to have a cybersecurity service?

It is fundamental if we are going to offer services or products where technology is part of the process, since a failure, caused by the impact of a security incident, would lead to a penalty in the service or product offered. A penalty that, if critical, could seriously jeopardise the continuity of the company.

Therefore, having a cybersecurity service allows us to:

  • To protect our customers' intellectual property and/or information against third parties.
  • Ensure services availability, minimising interruptions in the development of the activity.
  • Develop greater market competitiveness in the face of the challenges of digital transformation.
  • Digitalise without fear of the technological risks involved.

The 5 key services to ensure a company's security

As explained earlier, cybersecurity is a key element in the operation of any type of business, but what should be done to ensure the company's security?

  • Systems and application security audits to provide robustness assurance.
  • Compliance audits against national/international standards.
  • CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) as a service to ensure the best support in the development of the security master plan.
  • SOC (Security Operations Center): Monitoring of security systems activity to deal with incidents that may compromise the protection measures established to mitigate risks.
  • DFIR (Digital Forensics and Incident Response): Active response to critical security incidents that imply a risk to business continuity.