The Power of Automation | SEIDOR
The power of automation

March 24, 2023

The Power of Automation

IoT and RPA technologies are increasingly used by organisations seeking efficiency and profitability. Advantages and benefits of a trend that is growing rapidly in the world.

In a hyper-competitive world that is facing economic difficulties, differentiation is the biggest challenge for organisations that want to boost their business and achieve success.

One of the ways to achieve this goal is digital transformation. Most companies that have turned to internal process and workflow automation technologies, such as IoT (Internet of Things) and RPA (Robotic Process Automation), have been successful in both their operations and profitability.

In many of them, even, automation has become a priority tool in their business strategy, second only to cloud and cybersecurity. The benefits are many: they minimise operational errors, optimise the organisation's activities, reduce costs, improve workflow and achieve greater efficiency, quality and productivity.

The statistics speak for themselves. In the case of RPA, its use is expected to increase dramatically in the coming years. According to a study conducted by Research&Markets among companies worldwide, RPA technology will grow at a rate of 31.6% by 2028, with its application becoming a standard in companies.

IoT devices are also growing by leaps and bounds worldwide. Research by consultancy McKinsey estimates that by 2030 IoT could create value of between USD 5.5 trillion and USD 12.6 trillion, including value gained by consumers/customers of IoT products and services.

Blazing numbers

It's clear that automation is here to stay. It is now almost mandatory for organisations to incorporate automation processes into their workflows, not to leave people jobless, but to make them more productive. The use of RPA and IoT tools allows companies to free their employees from more mechanised and routine tasks, and give them other tasks of greater value to the organisation, such as development or innovation projects.

The United States, for example, is at the forefront of automation. According to the Association for Advancing Automation, US companies will incorporate 44,100 robots by 2022, 11% more than the previous year. In addition, during the covid-19 pandemic, the US was the first country to implement RPA technologies in the healthcare industry to help companies and organisations deal with the virus with better tools.

Technology allies

As automation advances, so does the range of world-class solutions available in the market. One of the most robust is SAP Build Process Automation, a tool that allows business users to automate workflow processes and tasks without the need for programming.

SAP Build Process Automation is part of SAP Build, introduced last year. "SAP Build uniquely brings together the world's most powerful enterprise Apps with a platform designed to agilely unlock the potential of business users," as shared during its launch Juergen Mueller, SAP Executive Board member and CTO.

SEIDOR, SAP partner and an United VARs member, also offers a wide range of options for process automation. Contact us and get to know our solutions!

It's time to automate!

Fortunately, the vast majority of organisations are aware of the need to undertake this transformation. Many have already started to implement it, and others are on their way to doing so. They know that in times of economic recession and financial ups and downs, they need to be increasingly prepared.

For this, the automation of workflows is fundamental, not only to achieve greater operational efficiency, but also to retain talent and, above all, to build customer loyalty.

This last aspect is very important. The more employees leave repetitive and tedious tasks in the hands of robots, the more time they will have to work on improving the customer experience. And that, of course, will result in economic benefits for your organisation.