Technology only makes sense when people use it to evolve. | SEIDOR

October 06, 2022

Technology only makes sense when people use it to evolve.

Technology is closely linked to the evolution of human beings and only makes sense when people use it to achieve a certain goal.

They are two sides of the same coin, since the technological factor is only useful when it is adopted by people and facilitates the achievement of a certain goal, in turn helping us to evolve.

It is about humanising technology, about transforming the way we relate to each other and to our environment, changing and evolving.

The technification of humanity by itself is meaningless, but its value is acquired when technology is used with a positive impact on our condition as human beings and on the environment we inhabit.

How do you humanise technology?

In the current phase of development, it is very important to put people at the centre, we have to rescue, in any type of activity, the values that make us human, impregnating ourselves with the doctrines that drove Humanism at the end of the 14th century, as a response to the dark period of the Middle Ages.

Today, more than ever, it is important to recover respect for our environment, in the midst of the climate crisis, and for our humanity, in a geopolitical context of growing conflicts, inequalities and, in some cases, loss of rights.

At SEIDOR, we are convinced that through technology we have a fantastic opportunity to do this:

  • To help organisations and citizens make the world a better place.
  • Facilitate and improve interpersonal relationships.
  • Favour business, research, sharing and learning based on the human side of things.

Key challenges for organisations

Organisations must understand that customers, partners, talent and any other type of stakeholder are, above all, human beings and it is therefore essential to treat them as such.

Years ago, the business world understood that work and personal life should be separate and not influence each other. Nowadays, this is impossible. New technologies have facilitated the transformation of work models, where flexibility is a requirement, as well as the reconciliation of different roles, such as workers, parents, friends or consumers, among others.

Customers and employees are increasingly demanding, and their relationship with brands is strongly influenced by the values they share with them. At SEIDOR we are convinced that if we want to remain attractive to customers and talents, we are obliged to be clear about our values.


We must reinvent ourselves every day. In this changing and fast-paced environment, to stay competitive, organisations must constantly rethink the way they do things.

Constant technological advances and disruptions have brought about a radical change in habits. To be competitive, continuous evolution is essential.

Change and evolution have always existed and companies have always had to adapt. It's part of our human essence. Nowadays, everything happens faster, and that is the big difference. Managing it depends, to a large extent, on understanding that change is continuous and necessary. By not rejecting it.

No doubt it is difficult to manage the balance between innovating, running and maintaining a business. But that difficulty cannot be a reason not to do it.

Companies' digital transformation

The lack of talent is one of the main difficulties in the digitalisation process of companies, hence the importance of having solid technology providers as partners to carry out this type of process.

On the other hand, and especially in the case of some companies, it has been a great challenge to define a roadmap for their digital transformation, prioritise what to do and have the necessary resources to do it.

On the horizon, we glimpse what non-human intelligence could be. Great progress is being made in the development of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies, with applications that have a great positive impact on people, in areas such as health, education or agricultural production, among others.

In this sense, the big question is whether we will be able to coexist with new forms of intelligence without giving up our own. We will see, soon!

Will we be able to coexist with new forms of intelligence without giving up our own?