ariba para pymes


SAP Ariba


SAP Ariba

The digitisation of procurement processes, with all the benefits that this entails, affects companies of all sizes, and represents a unique opportunity for greater efficiency and competitive advantages.

In the vast majority of sectors and companies, indirect spend represents around 20% of business revenue, with a significant impact on the company's results.

Optimisation of procurement management requires digitalisation of electronic contracts, supplier approval, sourcing, and all of this from order management through to payment.

SEIDOR offers you end-to-end solutions, as well as packaged solutions, with high added value to digitise e-procurement processes for your company. All of this is based on cloud technology, fully integrated with your ERP, with highly competitive prices and implementation periods of between 12 and 15 weeks.


Webinar on Demand: Simplification and savings in supplier management

Download this webinar for free, and you will learn how the business group Simetría centralised and standardised all supplier invoice management with SAP Ariba.

Value proposition


Quick installation between 12 and 15 weeks

Racionalización del gasto

Low cost


Seamless integration with SAP ERP