sector educación



We promote the education of the future through technology



We promote the education of the future through technology

The education sector is one that will undergo a major transformation in the coming years, both in terms of educational policies to be applied in primary and secondary schools—which will have to be applied by autonomous communities—and in higher education in universities and business schools. Digitisation, as well as the impact of COVID-19, has accelerated this transformation process, and new technologies and solutions have emerged that will be consolidated to improve the management and governance model and transform teaching and learning processes

Since 2015, SEDIOR has maintained a division specialised in the education sector, where it puts forward a value proposition with common solutions, which are customised for the government sector and K-12 policies, and for the higher education sector.

Challenges of the sector


Attracting, encouraging and promoting student loyalty


Digital learning


Data oriented governance


Efficiency in the production, use and management of video resources


Online Evaluation recognising student identity


Efficient management of synchronous classes


Improvement in accessibility of content


Flexibility, scalability and agility

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