websightsLegal Notice and Privacy Policy | SEIDOR

Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

Legal notice

About us

You are accessing the website of Seidor S.A. ("Seidor") available through the website domain https://www.seidor.com / (hereinafter, the "Site"). Seidor S.A. is a Spanish company with registered office at Calle Eix Onze de Setembre, 41, 08500 Vic, Barcelona, With Tax ID Number A08854929, registered in the Companies Register of Barcelona, Volume T 5364, Folio 60, Book 4668, 1st Entry, part of the Seidor Group (hereinafter "Seidor Group").

Seidor Group

Seidor S.A. is part of the Seidor Group as a parent company. The Seidor Group has regional offices in Europe, the United States, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. Detailed contact information can be found at the following link.

You can contact Seidor at:

Use of the website

By accessing and using the Site you acquire the status of "User", which implies full acceptance of all the provisions of this Legal Notice and the rest of the "Legal Texts" including this Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy.


Users are informed that all data supplied to Seidor will be processed by the Seidor Group as data controllers, respecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal data, in accordance with the Privacy Policy.


The use of cookies on the Site is governed by the Cookies Policy.

Industrial and Intellectual Property

The industrial and intellectual property rights incorporated in the Site, the graphic design and computer codes, as well as the distinctive signs and brands, text, images and videos shown are the property of Seidor or its licensors. All rights in relation to such content are reserved and express permission for its use and exploitation must be requested from Seidor.

Any use of the content not expressly authorised by Seidor, whether directly or indirectly, either for profit or not, including the downloading, storage, transmission, public disclosure, distribution, reproduction or transformation, in whole or in part, of said content is expressly prohibited, and Seidor may take any legal or out-of-court actions it deems appropriate in the event of any breach of its rights.


Seidor does not guarantee the full availability of the Site, its uninterrupted operation or the absence of errors, as access to it depends on circumstances beyond its control, such as the availability or operation of the User's device from which the Site is accessed or the communications networks used for access and their connections. Therefore, to the extent permitted by mandatory regulations, Seidor shall in no case be liable for damages of any nature, direct or indirect, material or moral, that may arise from access to and use of the Site, in particular, in a non-exhaustive list, lack of availability, accessibility, compatibility with mobile devices or third-party software and operation of the Site, loss of data due to possible illicit use and/or actions by the User contrary to what is authorised under these Terms and Conditions or cases of force majeure.

User Restrictions

The User undertakes not to use the Site for any purpose prohibited by applicable legislation. The user shall not take (or permit any third party to take) any action or make available any content on or through the Site that (i) is illegal, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, slandering, misleading, fraudulent, intrusive of another person's privacy, obscene or offensive; (ii) constitutes unauthorised or unsolicited advertising, spam or bulk mail; (iii) involves commercial activities and/or sales without Seidor's prior written consent; or (v) impersonates any person or entity, including any user other than the User, or any employee or representative of Seidor.

Links to third parties

The Site may contain links to services, websites, applications, advertisements or similar content for which third parties are responsible. When the User clicks on such links and leaves the Site, Seidor does not control and is not responsible for the third-party content accessed by the User. Seidor does not review, approve or supervise such third-party content, products or services accessible through these links. The use of all third party links by the User is at the User's own risk.


Seidor may modify the Legal Notice, the Legal Texts and/or any other text of a contractual nature applicable to this Portal without prior notice. These modifications shall enter into force at the time of their publication on the Site.

Likewise, Seidor may terminate or suspend the provision of the Portal services at any time. Whenever possible, Seidor will give prior notice of such termination or suspension through this Site.

Privacy Policy


Seidor S.A. (hereinafter, Seidor) is the owner of the website https://www.seidor.com/ (hereinafter, the "Site") and is the Data Controller of the personal data of the users ("User(s)") who access and use the Site, without prejudice to the possibility of sharing this data with other companies in the Seidor group, as indicated below.

 By means of this Privacy Policy, and in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR") and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights ("LOPDPGDD"), Seidor informs Users who make use of the Site of the processing of personal data that may be collected through the Site and processed by Seidor, so that Users may decide, freely and voluntarily, whether they wish to provide the information requested.

Identity of the Data Controller

The data controller is Seidor with registered office at Calle Eix Onze de Setembre, 41, 08500 Vic, Barcelona, with Tax ID No. A08854929.

Contact email: [email protected]

Data collected, Purpose, Legal Basis and Retention Period

Purpose Legal basis Data collected Retention period
Browsing: Performing browsing behaviour and statistical analyses: The information collected through cookies and other similar tracking technologies that allow an analysis of User browsing. Consent given through the cookie banner when you start browsing. Users may withdraw their consent by following the steps indicated in the Cookies Policy. Due to Internet communication standards, when you visit our website we automatically receive the URL of the site you came from and the site you visit when you leave our website. We also receive your computer's Internet Protocol ("IP") address and the type of browser you use. We use this information to analyse general trends and improve our services. This information is not shared with third parties without your consent. The retention periods depend on the specific cookie. For more information on the information retention periods for each type of cookie, please consult the Cookies Policy.
Contact forms. Answering your questions, enquiries or requests. Providing information related to your enquiry by electronic means. Providing commercial or event information by electronic means, provided that you have given your express consent. Providing details about our services or improving our business strategy. Express Consent Means of identification: first name, surname(s), company, position, email, phone no., city area of interest, information that may arise from the body of the message. Personal data will be processed for the time necessary to address your enquiries, requests and other queries. After which the enquiries may be kept, after pseudonymisation, for the purposes of analysis and improvement of the services provided by Seidor.
Managing staff selection processes. Express consent of the interested party by sending their CV and other supplementary information in order to participate in the selection processes. Name, date of birth, nationality, email and other contact details, National ID No./Foreigners' ID No., photograph, academic and professional data. Personal data from your CV will be processed during the selection process and subsequently for 1 year for future processes or vacancies appropriate to the candidate's professional profile.
Plug-in integration: When you click on plugins of social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter or YouTube, they may collect your browsing data. For more information, please see their privacy policy. Legitimate interest The data you choose to share through your profile.

For more information:

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy?trk=hb_ft_priv

Twitter https://twitter.com/es/privacy

YouTube https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=es

Testimonials-Success stories When we refer to success stories, Express consent. Means of identification: First name, surname(s), Image, Position. Until consent is withdrawn.
To carry out marketing communications and inform the User about events and services available on the Site. Express consent. Means of identification: email and phone no. Subject to the User's consent, the order history may be processed to send customised offers on the User's favourite products This data will be used for as long as the User subscribes to receiving commercial communications. If you choose to unsubscribe, all your personal data collected for this purpose will be deleted immediately, subject to a 5-year retention period for liability purposes.
Reporting Channel: By entering the data in the space provided on the Site. Express consent. Means of identification: First name, first surname, email. In any case, the data will be deleted three months after the completion of the investigation and the complaint resolution. Additional information can be found in the Complaints Channel section.

The aforementioned data collected may be used by Seidor for the compatible purposes recognised by the GDPR in article 89, for the purposes of carrying out reports and statistical studies with the aim of gaining knowledge of the services requested by Users, as well as improving the quality of the Site's services. To this end, pseudonymisation systems are applied, guaranteeing the confidentiality and security of Users' personal data.

Transfer of data to third parties

Seidor informs you that we keep your personal data confidential in accordance with current legislation, and therefore, unless otherwise specified here, your personal data will not be provided to third parties. Seidor does not sell or transfer lists containing personal data or any other type of data to third parties, nor does it generate any type of income from third parties for the data collected on these websites. However, we may disclose certain personal data in the following ways:

  1. We may give access to your personal data to our service providers, such as hosting services, recruitment service providers, under agreements for the provision of services in relation to the company. We demand that all third parties respect the privacy of your personal data and process it in accordance with the law. We do not allow our third party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes and we only allow them to process your personal data for specific purposes and in accordance with our instructions.
  2. We may make personal data available to any company interested in buying or acquiring the Company or a part of the business and, accordingly, give access to any national or international auditor to carry out their due diligence.
  3. We may make the data available to authorities to investigate suspected fraud, harassment or other violations of any law, rule or regulation, or of the Website's policies.
  4. We will share your data with the subsidiary, branch or representative office of the Seidor Group in your region or country (detailed contact information in the following link) and we may also share it with other companies in our group of companies, the Seidor Group, in order to correctly respond to your requests.

Security and confidentiality 

Seidor undertakes to adopt the necessary technical and organisational measures in accordance with current legislation to guarantee the security of personal data and prevent the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss or alteration of personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed, or the unauthorised communication of or access to such data. Personal data will be treated as confidential by the data controller, who undertakes to inform and to ensure by means of a legal or contractual obligation that such confidentiality is respected by its employees, partners, and any other person to whom it makes the information accessible.

Data protection rights

The User may exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection and, if applicable, limitation of processing and data portability by sending an e-mail via the contact methods indicated in the Legal Notice, with the reference "GDPR", along with a copy of their National ID card or equivalent accreditation document and the content of their request. In cases where representation is permitted, it will also be necessary to identify the person representing the User by the same means, as well as the document accrediting such representation. 

 Likewise, the User may submit a complaint to a supervisory authority, and in particular, to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (www.aepd.es) if they consider that the rights set out above in this Privacy Policy have been infringed or if they consider that the processing of personal data concerning them infringes the applicable regulations.

Commercial communications

By subscribing to our newsletter you will receive electronic commercial communications in accordance with applicable legislation, including alerts, notifications, newsletters, offers and promotions about Seidor Services. If you do not wish to receive information related to Seidor Services, you can unsubscribe from any of our communications by clicking "Unsubscribe" or let us know by sending a notification to [email protected].

Reporting Channel

As long as personal data of a complainant is processed, we will process such data solely and exclusively for the purpose of responding to the complaint. The data will be protected by enhanced security and confidentiality measures and will only be accessed by those responsible for the internal function of the designated reporting channel. In case the respondent requests access to the complaint data, the identity of the complainant will not be disclosed. The data in the complaint shall be kept only for the time necessary for the investigation of the facts, unless it results in the adoption of certain measures against the respondent, in which case the data may be kept for a longer period. In any case, the data will be deleted three months after the end of the investigation and resolution of the complaint, without prejudice to keeping a backup copy for the appropriate legal and administrative purposes.


Accuracy. It is important that the personal data we hold is accurate and up to date. The User is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided to us, and is expected to update any information provided to us.

Prohibited data: In any case, it is prohibited to send or upload any data to us containing sensitive personal data relating to identifiable persons such as: race, membership of a trade union, religion, ideology or sex life and/or that of a third party; health and/or that of a third party; or committing criminal offences or criminal proceedings, and the associated penalties or fines.

Changes. We reserve the right to change the terms of this Privacy Policy and will notify you by providing you with a clear notice of these changes by email or on our Site, and in this Privacy Policy. If you continue to use and/or access our Site after such update, you will be deemed to have accepted the new terms. If you do not accept the update, please notify us and we will terminate any account you may have with us and delete your personal data (except where it is required to be kept for legal reasons), and you will no longer be able to use the services to which you have subscribed.

Applicable legislation

Unless specific local regulations establish otherwise, the Privacy Policy is governed by Spanish laws

Version: 11/02/2022