Which solution is right for your business?
SAP Services
SEIDOR has a business unit specializing in end-to-end services for SAP: Consultancy, implementation and maintenance of applications and infrastructures, and sale of software.
in Africa
in Africa
in Africa
in Africa
United Vars
SEIDOR is a founding partner of United Vars, the world's leading association of SAP technology suppliers and implementers.
What Our Customers Have To Say
"SEIDOR and SAP Business One makes life easier"
Bev Barnard | Financial Director | RF Designs
"Now I am able to concentrate on much more critical tasks, thanks to SEIDOR and SAP"
Jerad Musembe | IT and process manager | Coastal Bottlers Ltd
"With SEIDOR and SAP, we have been able to save money and time"
Susan Mwinzi | Credit Controller | Hashi Energy Ltd.
"SEIDOR and SAP Business One makes life easier"
Bev Barnard | Financial Director | RF Designs
Karl Fahrbach
"SAP sees SEIDOR as a leading and leading supplier both in Spain and internationally."