
June 12, 2023

How to manage the plastics tax in an agile way with an ERP

Escucha el audiopost y descubre cómo gestionar de forma ágil el impuesto al plástico

Impuesto al plástico, ¿cómo gestionarlo de forma ágil con un ERP?


The special tax on non-reusable plastic packaging, commonly known as the plastics tax, is a measure implemented in Spain to reduce reliance on plastic in packaging and other products. On paper, the intention is to encourage more sustainable practices and reduce the consumption of single-use plastic products.

In this guide we will analyse the basic features of this tax, as well as the products affected by its application and the tools that allow companies to manage it in an agile way.

What does plastics tax consist of?

The so-called plastics tax is applied in different areas of the supply chain. In general terms, there are three areas affected:

  • Manufacture of products. In this case, it is applied in the first delivery in Spain.
  • Import. Accrual occurs when the customs declaration of import is accepted.
  • Intra-Community acquisition of products. The obligation to pay occurs on the 15th day of the month following the month in which the shipment of goods is made.

For the year 2023, the approved tax rate in Spain is 0.45 euros per kilogram of non-recycled plastic. Furthermore, you should be aware that the excise duty on non-reusable plastic packaging covers a wide range of products. These include:

  • Empty non-reusable plastic packaging.
  • Semi-finished plastic products intended for the production of empty non-reusable plastic packaging.
  • Products intended for the closure, placing on the market, or presentation of empty non-reusable plastic packaging containing plastics.
  • Intra-Community acquisition of goods presented in non-reusable plastic packaging containing, protecting or presenting them.

In all cases, the tax is calculated on the basis of the kilograms of non-recycled plastic.

A problem for SMEs

The plastics tax presents significant challenges, especially for small businesses and SMEs. Why? Typically, these companies have limited capacities to implement plastic reduction measures.,

But that's not their only headache. The proper management of the tax involves the identification and precise classification of the products concerned, as well as the calculation and payment of the corresponding amounts. From an administrative point of view, the workload is huge. Is there any way to manage this tax in a quicker and easier way?


The solution to manage plastic tax without complications

The implementation of an ERP system is a solution to efficiently manage all the taxes payable by a company. This software provides businesses with high quality tools to accurately control the plastic packaging used or produced, among other functionalities.

In this way, thanks to a comprehensive resource management platform, such as an ERP, your company will be able to do the following:

  • Have a comprehensive and complete record of the amount of non-recycled plastic packaging.
  • Clearly identify the products concerned.
  • Calculate the plastics tax correctly.
  • Automate processes related to this and other taxes.
  • Optimise the use of plastic in industrial and office processes.

There is no doubt: Implementing an ERP is the path to managing taxes and other aspects of your business more efficiently, quickly and accurately. However, you may well wonder what the best solution on the market is. Fortunately, the answer is quite simple.

SAP Business One, the leading ERP for plastics tax management

SAP Business One is the undisputed leader in ERP for SMEs. Its features include the Management Module of the Special Tax on Non-Reusable Plastic. This and the other tools of the application gives your business a series of valuable functionalities that improve the management of your entire business.

These include the following:

  • Inventory management. SAP Business One enables comprehensive inventory control of products and non-reusable plastic packaging, facilitating the accurate identification and classification of products affected by the tax.
  • Customised parameters. The system allows you to configure and adapt the necessary parameters for calculating and monitoring the tax, in accordance with current regulations.
  • Bookkeeping and settlement. The module automates the process of bookkeeping and tax settlement, generating the corresponding accounting entries and facilitating tax reporting.
  • Automated elaboration of the complete article file. SAP Business One allows you to automatically and accurately generate the technical data sheet of the item, including relevant information such as weight, non-recycled plastic content and other data necessary for the calculation of the tax.
  • Monitoring and compliance. The system provides tools to monitor compliance with plastics tax obligations, helping companies to keep detailed records and be prepared for audits or inspections.

How to implement an ERP for plastics tax management?

After this comprehensive analysis, it is clear that ERP systems are the key to smart tax and duty management in your business. SAP Business One stands out as the leading option in this field, offering a comprehensive and efficient solution. If you want your SME to make a qualitative leap in productivity and profitability, implementing this platform is the next step. There are no alternatives.

But how can you complete the process successfully? Don't worry, we're here to help. Contact SEIDOR now and our team of experts will be happy to offer you personalised advice.

We have the best specialists in business administration and technology, and together we can turn your tedious processes into automated and simple workflows. Don't waste any more time and take advantage of this opportunity to optimise and boost your business with SAP Business One, including plastic tax management.


SAP Business One

Find out all the advantages of having SAP Business One in your business

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