
March 22, 2023

Most common cybersecurity mistakes in SMEs

Escucha el audiopost y descubre los errores más comunes de las PYMES en ciberseguridad

Errores más comunes de las PYMES en ciberseguridad


Some people think that cybersecurity is a matter for large companies. Nothing could be further from the truth. Cybercriminals are on the prowl to steal information and attack infrastructures of any entity, even small and medium-sized companies. If you are a business owner, you are right to be concerned. Do you know what the most common cybersecurity mistakes in SMEs are?

In the following sections, we'll go over which IT security mistakes small businesses and the self-employed make. We'll also tell you about a software tool that allows you to safeguard against mistakes within your company and prevent hackers from jeopardising your business. Don't miss it!

8 very common cybersecurity mistakes in SMEs

Below, we look at eight security issues often overlooked by SMEs that could affect your business.

Failing to train employees

It is worth remembering that many intruders gain access to a computer system thanks to information provided by a user. This could lead to the theft and subsequent hijacking of business-critical data. The aim of these attacks is to obtain considerable sums of money.

The situation described above is called ransomware and has affected thousands of organisations all over the world, from companies to health centres. And it is also a serious problem among SMEs.

Proper training of a company's employees prevents these attacks to a large extent. All workers who access the company's system must be aware that they should not provide access data to anyone.

Undervaluing your company's information

The information your company handles is very valuable. This includes details of suppliers, agreed prices, contracts you have signed and sales. Thinking that this plethora of data is worthless is a mistake you cannot afford to make.

When you believe that the information you have is of no interest to a potential attacker, you tend to let your guard down. This reasoning is synonymous with unwelcome uses of company equipment, such as not using a password on the PC or having a weak password to open files.


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Delegating security to IT alone

As we have seen, many attackers use social engineering to get a company's employees to provide them with data. This data is then used to access the system and steal information.

That's why we say that preventing cyberattacks is the responsibility of everyone, not just the company's IT staff.

Forgoing protection software

There is a wide variety of privacy and IT security suites on the market. Consider implementing one on your systems to prevent viruses and other malware from getting into your systems.

Failing to make backup copies

Backup copies are a must for your company. It is good to have a strategy in case someone steals information and renders the system unusable. For example, you are right to send your daily backups to a computer that is not connected to the Internet.


Overlooking SSL on your website

Do you receive data from your customers through your website? Do you sell products online? Any relationship you maintain through your website must be protected by the SSL security protocol. Otherwise, the information could be intercepted by an attacker spying on the network.

Using weak passwords

It is obviously very difficult to remember all the passwords we use on a daily basis. However, the solution to this problem is not to enter unsecure and easy-to-guess passwords. Avoid combinations that include consecutive numbers or personal information that is known to others.

Rather, create passwords (and ask your employees to do the same) that contain symbols, upper and lower case letters and long sets of numbers.

Failing to encrypt sensitive data

Encryption helps to ensure that, in the event of a theft, the attacker has virtually no chance of opening the stolen information. Check whether your company's backups have been encrypted so that no one is able to read them.

How does SAP Business One help you avoid these cybersecurity failures?

SAP Business One is one of the best ERP systems for SMEs. Its management system is so versatile that it helps you organise, manage and execute tasks in all departments, including IT.

How does SAP Business One help you avoid making cybersecurity mistakes? There are four key aspects to keep in mind:

  • Data protection. SAP Business One can be configured to work in the cloud. In this case, the data network is completely secure, so your company's information is kept safe.
  • Avoid unauthorised access. As long as attackers do not gain access to your SME's information, it remains safe. SAP Business One has control measures in place to prevent unauthorised access to information. For example, it allows you to assign roles to prevent employees without sufficient permissions from viewing company data.
  • Greater regulatory compliance. When using SAP solutions, you can be certain you will comply with your country's data protection laws.
  • Risk management. SAP Business One comes with tools to continuously monitor risks, identities, cyber threats and compliance across all its systems.

In addition to cybersecurity, SAP Business One's features cover almost any aspect or process of a company. Avoiding the mistakes described above and implementing solutions as robust as SAP Business One are the steps you need to take to keep your SME safe from cybercriminals.

And what is the next step? Contact SEIDOR, an experienced SAP provider, now and start to protect your company's valuable information.


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