
ERP Ecosystem


Companies that currently use SAP ECC face the challenge of adopting SAP S/4HANA within the deadlines set by the manufacturer while enhancing their business operations. We carry out this conversion with strategic vision and technical capacity.

ERP Ecosystem


Companies that currently use SAP ECC face the challenge of adopting SAP S/4HANA within the deadlines set by the manufacturer while enhancing their business operations. We carry out this conversion with strategic vision and technical capacity.

Companies that currently use SAP ECC face the challenge of adopting SAP S/4HANA within the deadlines set by the manufacturer. The conversion or Brownfield method is best suited for installations that are satisfied with their current functionality and want a non-disruptive transformation for migration and evolution of their systems.

At SEIDOR, we have a specific division (SEIDOR Conversion Factory) specialising in conversion projects in order to make this transition period more adaptable and affordable for the entire organisation. This division brings together specialists from all areas involved in the process to provide a comprehensive service and guarantee for each of our clients, as well as for all companies that rely on our experience and organisation. To do this, we offer the following portfolio of perfectly industrialised services:

Aimed at organisations that need to implement changes and that plan to leverage ERP S/4HANA. We define how to make these changes and cover the gaps through the most suitable and cost-effective route.

Definition of the adoption strategy
Definición de la estrategia de adopción
Estudio de conversión

For optimal conversion, it is necessary to identify its impact, assess efforts and costs and devise an innovative roadmap for the future.

Conversion study

As a complement to the study, the draft conversion deploys a proof of concept that delivers a technically converted system for testing.

Draft conversion
Conversión draft 

We perform the tasks resulting from the Conversion Study efficiently, meeting deadlines and costs and with absolute security.
